Every job we undertake, big or small, will be completed to the highest quality
Exterior House Washing
We often forget that the outside of our home needs some attention too! A house washing can protect it from contaminants that could cause damage over time. Mold, algae, and mildew can wreak havoc on your roof, in your gutters, on your siding, and on your concrete surfaces. House washing regularly eliminates these potential dangers and provides you with a cleaner, healthier place to live. Our house-washing technique isn’t a high-powered wash that will damage but rather a gentle yet effective method that is safe on your house and the environment.
Deck Washing
Deck Cleaning is very important in maintaining and controlling the look of your deck. Failing to conduct any deck cleaning on a yearly basis can result in ugly mold and mildew that will ultimately harm and deteriorate your wood or composite deck. Our deck wash combines safe pressure and biodegradable cleansers to remove dirt and grime, revitalizing the look and feel of your outdoor entertainment areas.
Driveways/ Walkway & Concrete Washing
Dirt, grime and moss on driveways and other outside surfaces are not only unsightly but can also create a slipping hazard, putting your family and any visitors to your home at risk. Having your driveway cleaned will not only make the surface safer, but it will give your property added curb appeal and a fresh new look. It makes a huge difference!
Patio & Paving Wash
An attractive patio can form the centrepiece of a beautiful and relaxing garden. It is a place for you to sit with a book on a beautiful day, a place for your friends to come together for a barbeque, and a place for your family to play. Keeping your patio clean and tidy will not only prevent a build-up of moss and algae (which can make the patio very slippery), you’ll also find you’re much more inclined to use it on a regular basis when it looks good!
Retaining Wall Washing
Retaining walls are often meant to be decorative as well as practical, and when they look good, they can add a lot of appeal to your garden or yard. The only problem is that any retaining wall will eventually accumulate dirt, mildew, plant material, and various kinds of gunk that can leave the blocks looking stained and ugly. We have the experience and knowledge and with the right tools and some attention to detail, we can clean your stained/dirty retaining wall and returned it to its former glory.
Fences Washing
Auckland’s harsh weather can take a toll on your property as the conditions are ideal for algae and lichen to take hold. Wooden fences are most susceptible to damage if unwashed and treated. Our cleaning process will remove all dirt & mildew and also remove graying which is caused by the sun’s UV rays. Regular maintenance will ensure that your expensive fencing is well protected and will continue to provide protection, privacy and style to your home for many years.
Gutter Cleaning
Gutter cleaning is essential to keep your roof free from potential water damage and in many cases to stop gutters from corroding. When neglected, blocked gutter systems can result in serious damage to your home and lead to very expensive repair bills. All gutter debris is removed by hand from the gutters and each downspout is thoroughly flushed out with water to ensure that the gutter system around the home is free and flowing. Whether it’s spring or fall, a gutter cleaning is recommended for optimal home maintenance.
Roof Treatment
Routine roof maintenance allows you to keep your roof functional for as long as possible, saving money in the long term. Our moss, mould & lichen treatment helps to prevent damage to your roof while extending the life of the existing paint system keeping the surface of your roof in great condition. The treatment is left on the roof and over a period of a few months, the moss will naturally come off the roof leaving it moss free for up to 2 years or sometimes longer. This is the best option for removal of moss as a roof clean will not remove the moss permanently.